    HomeNewsArshay Cooper and Mike Teti join in celebration at San Miguel Awards...

    Arshay Cooper and Mike Teti join in celebration at San Miguel Awards Dinner on 9/21

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    Friends of San Miguel Program gathered at the Westchester Country Club on Thursday, Sept. 21 for an evening honoring the 2023 IMPACT Award winners-  Mercy University, Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, Inc. and Mike Oats and the Hudson Valley Economic Development Corporation. This year more than 275 guests were in attendance.  The event is the single biggest fundraiser of the year for San Miguel Program, and as is typical, brought in over $350k.  For the second year,  Lisa LaRocca of News12 was the host.

    Special guests and icons of the rowing community Arshay Cooper and Mike Teti closed out the evening with Ann Mara Cacase, who announced that San Miguel Program was awarded an NFL Play:60 grant, the League’s national Youth Health and Wellness initiative. The formal presentation will be October 2nd at MetLife Stadium during the Giants v. Seahawks game when our hardworking student-athletes will receive the award.  

    San Miguel Academy, located in Newburgh, NY, opened in 2006 as a middle school and has grown into the multi-faceted San Miguel Program.  The program’s method centers around a 12-year commitment to each student, which is integral to changing the trajectory of  students’ lives.  San Miguel Program is 100% scholarship-driven, serving low-income opportunity students and their families. 

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