
    Remembering Thor Nilsen: A Rowing Legend’s Legacy Lives On

    World Rowing is truly saddened to hear of the passing of Thor Nilsen, who had turned 92 today.
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    World Rowing is truly saddened to hear of the passing of Thor Nilsen, who had turned 92 today.

    Thor will leave a legacy on our sport that will never be forgotten. Thor served as World Rowing’s development director, as well as the Honorary chairman of the competitive rowing commission. He served on World Rowing’s council and executive committee, and was President of the Swedish Rowing Federation from 1994 to 1997.

    He developed national training centres in several countries, and was at one point the National rowing coach for Norway and Sweden. He also spent time as the Technical director and head coach for Spain and Italy.

    His coaching results include more than 30 World Championship gold medals and eight Olympic gold medals. In 2003, he received World Rowing’s Distinguished Service to International Rowing Award. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends, as well as the whole rowing community.

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