    HomeDoctor Rowing

    Doctor Rowing

    Gone But Not Forgotten

    The Head of the Connecticut was a great tune-up for school, college, and alumni crews seeking a final hard row before fall’s biggest event.

    Switching Sides

    Without a lot of fanfare here in the U.S., FISA made a small but significant rule change to its rules of racing and related bylaws. The new rule, which took effect this year, read, “Coxswains are members of the crew. Except for Olympic, youth...

    Keep exploring

    “Dare to Be,” A Review

    The good doctor plays movie critic.

    Core Curriculum

    Dear Doctor Rowing, I’ve been out of the game for a number of years but have recently begun to row a single. I’ve checked out a number of websites and watched a bunch of coaches on YouTube. Years ago, I learned the legs-back-arms method of applying power and it’s always worked for me. But lately down at the club all I hear is talk of “the core.” What’s with all this emphasis on the core?

    Never Forget

    Theo Koerner and the aftermath of German Democratic Republic.

    The Perils of Perfection

    What predisposes some athletes —to developing an eating disorder? In a survey of women...

    Latest articles

    Why the Questions Prospective Student-Athletes Ask Matter

    In many instances, you will want to go to the prospective rowers and student-athletes themselves.

    Outside Perspective

    Whether with your program, your crew, or a single athlete, identify the limiting factors to successful performance.

    The Virtues of Peanut Butter (And Other Nutritious Nuggets)

    Did you know that you can tame your belly fat by eating less at night?

    The Art of Indoor Coxing

    If you’re serious about your role on the team, there are just as many opportunities to get better and faster in the winter as there are on the water.